
Which countries are preferred for investment in African mining?

In 2016, in the context of global mining development falling into a regression, African mining recorded a high growth rate of 62%, and there was no lack of Chinese companies' participation. According to the "2016 Africa Mining Attractiveness Ranking" report previously released by Fraser, Morocco, Burkina Faso and Ghana have become the top countries.


Inventory of several types of fluorite ore and beneficiation methods

Fluorite, also known as fluorspar, has its main chemical composition CaF2, a relative density of 3.0-3.2, a Mohs hardness of 4, brittleness, and a melting point of 1270-1350°C. Fluorite is a relatively common mineral with a wide distribution. According to statistics from the United States Geological Survey in 2015, the world's identified fluorite resources are about 500 million tons, and the identified reserves are about 250 million tons. China's fluorite reserves rank third in the world, second only to South Africa and Mexico.


The Status of Tin Mines in the Wa State of Myanmar

The initial mining history of the Wa State in Myanmar was in the Longtan Tin Mine in Mengmao County, Wa State, and it was mainly harvested by hand. Later, until 2005-2007, new mineral resources were initially discovered in Manxiang District, Meneng County

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